Monday, February 21, 2011

Woman Who Tried To Mail Dog Gets Him Back

Woman Who Tried To Mail Dog Gets Him Back: "

It is entirely too early for these shenanigans. If you will remember, a few weeks ago, I posted about a woman who tried to mail a dog through the United States Postal Service, priority mail. This tool placed a puppy in the box but the air holes were covered by the packing tape. She told the postal workers that if they heard anything odd, not to worry about it because she was mailing a toy robot. The postal workers said that had they not opened the package when they heard the whimpering, that the dog would have died in the cargo compartment of the airplane.

Now that we’re all caught up, someone even dumber than the postal customer herself has decided that she should be reunited with her condemned pooch. The dog was taken to the local animal shelter where the adoption list for this 5-month old schnauzer had grown to over 50 people. In a lottery style drawing, Terri Ford, the dogs original owner was selected to receive the dog and somehow she managed to pass the application process. Are you effin KIDDING me?!!!!!

Ford, a former legal assistant says that she’s thrilled to have him back and that since she’s not working at the moment, has plenty of time to spend with him. Well, isn’t THAT special?




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