Tuesday, February 21, 2012

When Posing As A Racist Goes Terribly Wrong

Some people define themselves based on their current relationships.  Although I hear this a lot more about wo ... http://p.ost.im/p/exUc6Y


Mr. Mcgranor said...

If this was credible it would be just as any other racialism. However, i fail to see the relevency of jail gangs.

Stang said...

First, if you don't believe this is credible, please correct my information. I don't mind being wrong, but show me.

Secondly, my blog is very clear about people having the right to think and say as they wish as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. That said, since I dated this man, I know that this is not his "make up". He tends to follow and not lead, he will conform to his most recent relationship in hopes of being accepted by a social circle.

Thirdly, I'm unsure as to where "Jail Gangs" come in. I do not have any first hand experience with jail gangs, so please tell me how you pulled that rabbit out of a hat. As always, thanks for your input and thank you even more for reading.