Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It’s All Fun And Games Until Your Mom Gets Involved

It’s All Fun And Games Until Your Mom Gets Involved: "

Okay, most of us are familiar with the website “people of Walmart“ right? It’s that website that catches those people who are shopping at Walmart and are a hot ass mess, then posts their pictures online. Well, apparently, a Yipsilanti, Mi woman found out that her mom was one of those hot ass messes on the website, check it out….

I’m sure that the people who run the “people of Walmart” website had to know that sooner or later someone would see either themselves on the website and be offended, so I guess the moral of the story is to not be a hot ass mess when you go to Walmart and you can avoid the whole situation. As for this woman’s mom……..well, might I suggest an episode or two of “What Not To Wear” on A&E?





Mr. Mcgranor said...

The site must be some 'yuppie' concept.

Stang said...

I have nooo clue, but it's become viral..